What’s happened to Team Fortress 2?

TF2 really has changed quite a lot since I last played the game seriously. Must be towards the end of 2007.
Now when I come back I find there are new game modes, new maps (that was expected), hundreds of achievements (nearly 350?) and the ability to change the load-out…with stuff that seem like they are thrown around completely at random. I am in no way saying the changes are a bad thing and actually find the new game mode, pushing bombs around a map, quite fun and a great addition to the game…it’s just odd that the weapons which previously have been limited, are now not. Some of the weapons I have come across make some things easier for certain games and others harder, so the choice of what you use really does depend on how good or bad you are with the original weapon.
One thing I do hate and has been quite noticeable is the free weekend. Considering its been 3 years since I have played the game, and almost as long since I have done any serious Keyboard + Mouse based gaming, I find it rather odd to be located often in the top few spots on the scoreboard. Hopefully that will correct itself shortly and I will need to “work” my way up.