Day of Defeat: Source – Now on mac
Out of nowhere (well I havn’t seen anything recently) Day of Defeat: Source is released for the mac. Originally one of my favourite games, after Counter-Strike (which has actually made it to the bottom of the games I own on steam so far) but I preferred it to TF2 (now top, but there are a few missing) we will see if the game has been destroyed or improved but the updates that have been pushed into the other Orange Box multiplayer titles.
Looking over the achievements, MOST of them seem very easy, just play for a while and you will get them, a lot of Get X kills with Y.
With this games release, that’s it for the Orange Box titles (Team Fortress 2, Half-life 2, Half-life 2: Episode One, Half-life 2: Episode 2 and Portal). Well, HL2 deathmatch isn’t available yet, can’t wait for this. HL2 deathmatch is required but most/all? total conversion mods. Dystopia & SourceForts (TFC on the Source Engine) being two a played frequently. I am not sure if the process for mods on OS X will be a simple one, however it should defiantly be far more simple than a full game engine.

Counter-Strike: Source – Now on Mac
It seems the Steam store is having problems at the moment, frequently showing 0 games available on the Mac and not showing anything under New Releases & Top Sellers, this doesn’t however change the fact that Counter-Strike: Source is now available.
It’s a fairly large download, much more than I expected, over 1.5gb, as I would have expected several shared resources with other Source based games.
This seems like a fairly big title so at the moment I am not expecting anything more on the store, even though this doesn’t appear under the homepage of the Mac section yet either.

Counter-Strike: Source – Next week on Mac
Valve have today made a new post stating no updates this week due to E3, along with a trailer for portal 2. Not only that, it seems as though Counter-Strike: Source will be making its way onto the mac next week.
All good news, however I must say I am somewhat surprised be the news of Counter-Strike. This seems to very quietly made its way here, is this also to be closely followed by Day of Defeat: Source in the near future as well I wonder.
This weeks Steam disappointment.
Only 1 indie release this week, with a very low price at that. Fortix.
Can you reclaim your ancestors’ land? Evil forces have taken over the once fertile land of Fortiana. You are the only one who can storm the castles and claw it back from the hordes of dragons. Experience a new type of strategy and arcade game. Fence off parts of the battlefield to corner your enemies. Collect catapults and power-ups to besiege the fortresses and take on dragons. But beware! As you progress through the levels it gets harder and harder. The fortresses become much larger and the monsters more vicious. Can you emerge victorious and reclaim the land of your ancestors? You are knight Fortix, the sole hope for the desolate and tortured land of Fortiana to become the fertile land that it was before.
Another game I am unlikely to get. Really hoping Valve will be making another late release of titles this week, this one was a bit of a joke really.
Maybe due to E3?

What’s happened to Team Fortress 2?
TF2 really has changed quite a lot since I last played the game seriously. Must be towards the end of 2007.
Now when I come back I find there are new game modes, new maps (that was expected), hundreds of achievements (nearly 350?) and the ability to change the load-out…with stuff that seem like they are thrown around completely at random. I am in no way saying the changes are a bad thing and actually find the new game mode, pushing bombs around a map, quite fun and a great addition to the game…it’s just odd that the weapons which previously have been limited, are now not. Some of the weapons I have come across make some things easier for certain games and others harder, so the choice of what you use really does depend on how good or bad you are with the original weapon.
One thing I do hate and has been quite noticeable is the free weekend. Considering its been 3 years since I have played the game, and almost as long since I have done any serious Keyboard + Mouse based gaming, I find it rather odd to be located often in the top few spots on the scoreboard. Hopefully that will correct itself shortly and I will need to “work” my way up.

Steam things are happening
Team Fortress 2 just randomly appeared in my games list along with an update for Half-Life 2, Episode 2. TF2 install can’t progress yet, servers busy…lies, but the game is now marked as “Download starting” and the filesize of 5,716.3MB is there. There have yet to be any updates to the store itself, expecting that in a few.
It is however getting late, I have other things to do, so the rest of the blogging will have to wait until tomorrow morning.

Team Fortress 2 for Mac?
Well, the updates are again, later than usual, but its very possible team fortress 2 will be in todays list of games.
Big things are happening RIGHT NOW at Valve. Things involving cultivated tree-fruit. BIG things. Things that rhyme with “grapple.” Things that rhyme with “Speem Gortress zmavailable on the Babac.”
There are also 3rd party developer games due, not sure what at this stage, I don’t even recall seeing any rumour posts across the several websites I view, so just need to wait and see.

Steam Updates 9th June will be 10th June
As everyone knows there were no updates for the steam store last week. This week however, we are expecting things a bit later than usual, to be released on Thursday 10th June, apparently due to the WWDC during which the iPhone was announced. The graphic on the store, added two weeks ago, which stated there would be releases every wednesday for the next few weeks has been removed. Probably due to the fact that the first 2 weeks of “every wednesday” didn’t actually have anything. Never mind, things happen, all of which I am all too aware.
There was one release on monday though, Jolly Rover, which from the trailer, unfortunately looks less than interesting and with a £14.99 price tag, is unlikely going to get me to try it. If this game is ever at 50% off, then maybe I’ll try, or even a free weekend.

Steam Updates….are late.
Well…later than usual. It seems so far there have been no updates to the steam store, not much we can do but wait. Not sure if waiting means good or bad things. Killing Floor was completed less than 1 hour before its release I think I saw.
While I’m waiting, I will be playing Killing Floor with the guys who got my Guest Passes. Thanks Valve or Tripwire, not sure which party was the one who decided to give out the passes with a purchase.

Steam Mac Wednesday – “Cross-Platform Steam Cloud”
Some progress is being made on the Steam Store. Half-life 2, Episode 1 & Episode 2.
Again, stupidly, or maybe just because I check as things are being added, stuff doesn’t work.
I can see the new banners on the store, I can click them, and I can buy new stuff, however, I don’t have the luxury of not paying again it seems. The message I am oh so familiar with “is not available on your platform” I expect it will be there in a few minutes.
Still praying thats not all, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 as well as TF2 both come up in this, as well as last weeks categories, but still nowhere to be seen… Sort of, this week they are saying “continue your game” whereas the cloud is only used for config on multi-player.
Half-life Episode 2 doesn’t seem to be in my games list either, I’m some percentage sure I have already payed for, played and completed this. I’ll try and buy it later, see if it gives me the option to continue, then maybe a steam client restart.