Off on my holiday
Well, in 2 days I am off on holiday to Japan, yay. So, that means for a while there will probably be no “normal” posts, instead this site will be Japan heavy, along with holiday snaps and details of my holiday. I’m sure it will be just as interesting.
It has been a while
Well, its been quite some time since my last post, so I thought I would at least add something.
Due to my house move, I have used most of my spare time packing. After moving in I was without Internet and was forced to use my spare time for unpacking….great.
Either way, since I’ve been browsing today, I see there has been a PS3 update, PlayStation Plus updates announced for August & September, several PS3 store updates, uTorrent 1.0.something for the Mac, several anime episodes I have not yet seen, broadband usage now shown by my ISP (yay I get to see what I really use), a steam client update which at a glance seems to fix an obvious “bug” and I know there is more, but not for now. I’ll try and post stuff on the useful bits of the web over the last couple of weeks, just to catch up, if I think its interesting.

iPhone 4 is coming soon to 3
Finally, 3 is managing to get the iPhone. After a number of years of waiting, three are finally allowing you to register interest in the iPhone 4G. Of course, no mention of phone cost, monthly cost, release date probably the 24th June, allowed minutes, text or internet, but still, its a good sign.
I currently have my iPhone 3G on three, officially unlocked and moved from O2 when the contract had expired over 1 year ago. This has made my morning 🙂

Hello world!
Welcome to my personal site. Developers might find a little more useful. As I stated in a post on my other personal site, this is for hobbies, instead of the more techie side of my life. Over time I will build up posts on Anime, Games, Movies & Music as well as pictures from my Japanese trip which is being planned for October this year.
I am not entirely sure about the site theme yet as it does not in any way reflect any of the site content (well upcoming content). For now it will do, but expect changes.