Counter-Strike: Source – Now on Mac
It seems the Steam store is having problems at the moment, frequently showing 0 games available on the Mac and not showing anything under New Releases & Top Sellers, this doesn’t however change the fact that Counter-Strike: Source is now available.
It’s a fairly large download, much more than I expected, over 1.5gb, as I would have expected several shared resources with other Source based games.
This seems like a fairly big title so at the moment I am not expecting anything more on the store, even though this doesn’t appear under the homepage of the Mac section yet either.

Counter-Strike: Source – Next week on Mac
Valve have today made a new post stating no updates this week due to E3, along with a trailer for portal 2. Not only that, it seems as though Counter-Strike: Source will be making its way onto the mac next week.
All good news, however I must say I am somewhat surprised be the news of Counter-Strike. This seems to very quietly made its way here, is this also to be closely followed by Day of Defeat: Source in the near future as well I wonder.