LOVEFiLM – Now on the PS3
Today is the release of LOVEFiLM on the PS3. Pretty good news, this and mubi gives quite a wide range of media – as well as the PS3 Video store for anything I decide to purchase (although I prefer a disc).
Hit by a block at the registration step, when being told my password is too long. Was accepted with the normal browser signup though, so not all bad.
First time trying to play a movie the app just crashed, second time it was fine.
The searching is a little annoying as it updates the titles every time I select a letter. This causes the app to freeze slightly. Also seems to be missing a lot of titles in the streaming catalogue but that will change over time.
Something else, nothing streamed in HD. I don’t know if this is permanent, temporary, an account option, only the movies I selected, estimated that my internet isn’t fast enough? I’ll look into that later. The streaming of what’s there does start almost instantly and does include pause & seeking functions, however, not via the blu-ray remote controls standard buttons. This is something I would expect to change in an update in the fairly near future.
£9.99 is a pretty good price assuming I continue to make use of it. Luckily my Unlimited internet (subject to fair use) actually seems to be unlimited, will know over time.
Bright Falls, the beginning of Alan Wake
Recently I came across live-action movies, Bright Falls, a prequel to the upcoming Xbox 360 game, Alan Wake. The movies are taking place over what seem to be 6 individual episodes. Airing started at the end of April and new episodes are released weekly, with the final episodes coinciding with the release of the game mid-May.
Episode 1 is available on Youtube.
It’s a shame this is a 360 exclusive , however as it is only single-player I am not going to be missing out on anything through not having a Gold Live Subscription.